Welcome to Little Sweet Pea
Hi! My name is Becca McCarthy! My husband and I have 3 little ones each exactly 2 years apart. Because of how long we nursed, I was pregnant and/or breastfeeding for 5 years straight! Each child was a different journey and we had to overcome a few challenges (tongue ties, giving up dairy, breathing issues while nursing, pumping while working, etc) but I wouldn’t trade the experiences for anything.
I started baking lactation cookies 5 years ago to help a friend who was struggling with her supply and quickly realized how many moms are seeking lactation support. I started a Facebook group and we now have 1200+ wonderful and encouraging moms supporting each other!
In 2018, I completed my lactation educator counselor training, my breastfeeding specialist training in 2019 and this year, I became an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). There is great opportunity to further help and encourage moms and their babies with breastfeeding issues they are experiencing. It has been a pleasure to be a small part of moms’ breastfeeding adventures.
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